Filing Bankruptcy While Unemployed
If you have recently lost your job or you have been unemployed for a while, you are probably delinquent on your bills and debt collectors are harassing you. If you have considered filing for bankruptcy protection but you are concerned that you won’t qualify if you don’t have a job, it is important to understand that now may be the ideal time for you to file a case.
Every individual’s situation is unique, so it is essential to have an experienced attorney review your circumstances to determine the best strategy for you to take. While you are unemployed, you may be “judgment proof.” This means that you do not have any non-exempt assets or funds that a creditor can attack in collecting the debt from you. As a result, your creditors may not be taking any collection actions against you.
The Means Test
However, while you do not have a job you will likely pass the means test and qualify for a Chapter 7 filing. The means test is a mathematical formula used by the bankruptcy court to ensure that you are not abusing the bankruptcy process in attempting to discharge your debt. The means test looks at your income from the prior six months to determine whether or not you have the ability to repay your creditors. If you have been unemployed for several months and show no income during that time, you may be eligible for a Chapter 7 filing when you otherwise would not qualify.
Your future income may be considered by the trustee even if you pass the means test. In other words, if the trustee thinks you are capable of paying your creditors, he or she has the ability to object to your discharge of debt. However, if you are not receiving any income, there is a very small likelihood that the trustee will file this type of objection.
If you are unemployed and read to obtain relief from your overwhelming debt, let us help. We can review your individual finances and determine whether or not a bankruptcy filing or other form of debt relief would benefit you.
Contact Faro & Crowder, PA to learn about your Bankruptcy Options in Brevard County FL
If you have questions about filing for bankruptcy protection, we have the answers. Call us today to schedule your initial consultation. Our office is located in Melbourne, but we proudly serve individuals, families and businesses across the State of Florida. We also offer free initial consultations for foreclosure defense and defense against debt collection.
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