Your credit score is important to your financial life. If you are considering financing or re-financing your home, you should thoroughly review your credit report to confirm it is accurate prior to applying for the loan. Mistakes on credit reports are more common that you think and they can cause serious damage to your credit...Read More
If you are like most people who are planning to file for bankruptcy protection, you are already worried about how you can rebuild your credit after your case is over. While a bankruptcy filing will negatively impact your credit score, with time and hard work, you likely will restore your score sooner than you...Read More
If you are considering filing an individual Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case, it is important to understand all of the pros and cons associated with bankruptcy. How will my credit score be impacted by bankruptcy? One of the primary concerns debtors have is how it will impact their credit score. The answer differs for...Read More
Bankruptcy hurts your credit score. Your credit score is how lender’s determine whether you are going to be a good customer or not, and bankruptcy means many of your creditors did not get what you agreed to pay them. Rules for borrowing money after filing bankruptcy Many people believe that they are not allowed to...Read More