Filing Bankruptcy While Unemployed If you have recently lost your job or you have been unemployed for a while, you are probably delinquent on your bills and debt collectors are harassing you. If you have considered filing for bankruptcy protection but you are concerned that you won’t qualify if you don’t have a job, it...Read More
Amendments to the Bankruptcy Code were made in 2005 and one of the most significant additions to the law was the requirement of a debtor to pass the “means test” to be eligible to file a Chapter 7 bankruptcy. The means test is a calculation used by the bankruptcy courts to verify that a debtor is...Read More
If you are struggling financially and considering filing for bankruptcy protection, you may be trying to decide if you really need an attorney. What is “pro se” filing? Many people assume they will save a significant amount of money if they do not use a lawyer to represent them in their bankruptcy case. This is...Read More
The means test is essentially just another form to file on an already-long list, and has very little, if any, impact on your decision to file Chapter 7 Bankruptcy. The 2005 Bankruptcy reforms While most “reform” legislation is usually a proposed solution to an existing problem, the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act (BAPCPA,...Read More