Most consumers owe more on their car loan than their vehicle is worth. If you are also overwhelmed by other debt and you have a regular source of income, it may be time to consider filing a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy and the “Cram down” Process When an individual files a Chapter 13,...Read More
Hopefully you have read our blog titled “How Chapter 7 is Better than Chapter 13,” to learn more about the advantages of a Chapter 7 filing. This blog will focus on the many benefits of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case. Debt Consolidation in Chapter 13 Bankruptcy A Chapter 13 filing is a reorganization process which...Read More
Many people come to our office seeking debt relief, but they don’t know where to begin. There are pros and cons to both Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy filings, so it is important to understand them. Be sure to read our next blog titled “How Chapter 13 is Better than Chapter 7.” This blog...Read More
If you are considering filing a personal bankruptcy, there are many factors that should be considered. The more time and planning you put into your filing, the greater your chance of success. One factor many people do not consider is whether they will be receiving an inheritance in the near future. If an inheritance is...Read More
The Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA) changed many aspects of the bankruptcy process. One of the new requirements for filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case is that the debtor must complete a credit counseling course before the petition is filed. Credit counseling courses are offered in person or...Read More
When you fall behind on your mortgage payments and your lender is threatening foreclosure, you should contact us as soon as possible to discuss your debt relief options. A personal bankruptcy filing is typically an option you should strongly consider. In fact, many Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases are filed because homeowners are attempting...Read More
When you file a personal bankruptcy, you should be prepared to provide all of your financial records to your attorney. This includes copies of your tax returns – both state and federal. Your tax returns are important for the following reasons: Tax returns provide your lawyer with a significant amount of financial information all in...Read More
If you are considering filing for bankruptcy protection and you receive Social Security benefits, you are probably wondering how your benefits will be impacted. Social Security Benefits In short, the law protects your Social Security benefits and you will not lose them in your Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case. However, your benefits can have...Read More
Bankruptcy law requires all debtors to fully disclose all of their assets, debts, income and expenses. You must also file a list of all of your creditors, including any family members or friends that have borrowed money from you. It is crucial to list all of the parties that you owe money to in your...Read More
You are probably aware that the primary downside to filing for bankruptcy protection is that it negatively impacts your credit score. However, how long your bankruptcy remains on your credit report depends on whether you file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case. Chapter 7 When you file a Chapter 7, the bankruptcy notation...Read More