The thought of declaring bankruptcy can be intimidating, and many individuals worry that doing so will damage their credit or possibly cause them to lose their assets. However, declaring bankruptcy can have a lot of benefits that can help people get back on their feet and restore control over their finances. We’ll go through a...Read More
Pitfalls of the Walkaway- Don’t Let A Bank Control Your Future Zombie mortgages are a little-known phenomenon in the world of real estate that can have serious consequences for homeowners. These mortgages, also known as “zombie foreclosures,” occur when a homeowner defaults on their mortgage and the lender initiates foreclosure proceedings, but then the foreclosure...Read More
Before Filing Bankruptcy: Weigh All of Your Debt Relief Options Before you jump into a personal filing, it is important to carefully weigh all of your debt relief options. There are pros and cons to filing a bankruptcy and you must understand both the good and the bad consequences of your decision to file a...Read More
A garnishment is a powerful collection tool used by many creditors to collect on a judgment for money owed to them. Two Types of Garnishment The two types of garnishments are account garnishments and wage garnishments. The creditor directs your bank or employer to pay money that is owed to you, directly to the creditor...Read More
Personal Bankruptcy – Brevard County If you have lawsuits filed against you, it may be time to consider filing a personal bankruptcy case. A personal bankruptcy case can be an effective way to eliminate certain collection lawsuits. However, it is important to understand that not all types of litigation are halted or eliminated in a...Read More
The Chapter 13 bankruptcy plan essentially puts you on an allowance for a period of time, to help you catch up on your bills, start rebuilding your credit score and get on with your life free of creditor harassment. The Plan A Chapter 13 bankruptcy is sometimes referred to as the “wage-earner plan” or...Read More
When you file bankruptcy it can help you obtain a fresh financial start. However, it can be difficult to know when the best time to file your case is. There is no magic formula for pin-pointing the best time to file a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13, but there are many warning signs that a...Read More
It is a natural reaction for parents to attempt to shield their children from dealing with financial troubles. However, if you are considering filing a personal bankruptcy case, it is wise to discuss it with your entire family, including your children. You can tailor the conversation to fit the age of your children, but it...Read More
One of the main concerns people have when they are facing bankruptcy or another negative financial event is whether or not they will ever be able to own a home again. Will I be able to buy a home after I file bankruptcy? You may have heard that it is not possible to buy a...Read More
Although the housing market appears to be on the rebound, there are still many homeowners that are struggling to pay their mortgage payments. If you have fallen behind on your mortgage loan and you believe that a foreclosure is in your near future, you should consider filing for bankruptcy protection under Chapter 7 or Chapter...Read More