When you file a Chapter 13 bankruptcy case, you are committing to a payment plan that will last at least three years. If you should experience an unforeseen financial change which negatively impacts your ability to make your plan payments, you should contact us to discuss whether you are eligible to convert to a Chapter...Read More
When you are barely making ends meet and you are considering filing a personal bankruptcy, you are likely concerned with how much a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 will cost you. We understand that it can be stressful to come up with the money to file for relief from your debt, but working with the...Read More
One of the primary benefits of filing a personal bankruptcy is the elimination of debt. In a typical filing, the debtor is granted a discharge order as soon as his or her bankruptcy case has been successfully completed. The court clerk where you filed your case mails a copy of your discharge order to all...Read More
Individuals who are struggling to make ends meet often turn to bankruptcy to take control of their finances. When you file for bankruptcy, the court requires you to list all of your assets. Many clients get concerned when they learn that they must list their wedding rings on the list of assets. However, the Bankruptcy...Read More
Hopefully you have read our prior blog discussing the various benefits of filing a Chapter 7 bankruptcy case. This blog will focus on the advantages of a Chapter 13 bankruptcy. In most instances, filing a Chapter 13 provides you more flexibility in restructuring your debt and the following benefits: Automatic stay. As soon as you...Read More
When you are struggling financially and being harassed by creditors, the idea of getting safe refuge in bankruptcy can be quite appealing. However, most people are afraid to take this step because they fear what will happen to their assets. A significant assets for most individuals is their retirement account. Fortunately, federal bankruptcy law provides...Read More
Deciding whether to file for bankruptcy protection is a difficult decision. There are numerous factors that must be considered and it is important for you to understand all the pros and cons of a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case. Although no two cases are the same, below are a few things you should be...Read More
If you are struggling to pay your bills and your household income is higher than the applicable median income, filing a Chapter 13 case may the answer to your problems. Chapter 13 Bankruptcy In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy, you will submit a repayment plan that sets forth how you intend to repay your creditors, either...Read More
When you hold a professional license, it is a significant asset and you want to do everything you can to protect it. Whether you are a doctor, lawyer, realtor, CPA, or some other type of professional, your license is essential to your livelihood. When you file a personal bankruptcy, it is important to understand that...Read More
When you are struggling to make ends meet and you are hoping to obtain debt relief, you are probably concerned with how much filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 case will cost you. Financial struggles can be nerve-wracking and trying to come up with money to pay an attorney and bankruptcy cost can feel...Read More