As the cost of higher education continues to rise, student loans have become a fact of life for many people. However, paying back those loans can be a source of stress and uncertainty, especially for those who are just starting their careers. Fortunately, there are a variety of student loan payment plans available to help...Read More
Bankruptcy does not have to mean the end of the game. When you and your friends played “Monopoly,” declaring bankruptcy meant financial failure so intense that recovery was difficult or impossible. Some moneylenders and debt-buyers like to perpetuate that idea in the real world, to keep honest American families form declaring bankruptcy to eliminate debt...Read More
President Harry Truman once wished for a one-armed economist. The reason? Seemingly all his economic advisors consistently said “on the one hand X, but on the other hand Y.” Wage stagnation is a current case-in-point. It has become almost axiomatic to say that the middle-class is shrinking. One economist begs to differ, claiming that this...Read More