When you fall behind on your mortgage payments and your lender is threatening foreclosure, you should contact us as soon as possible to discuss your debt relief options. A personal bankruptcy filing is typically an option you should strongly consider. In fact, many Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 cases are filed because homeowners are attempting...Read More
If you are past due on your mortgage payments and you want to avoid a foreclosure action, you may want to consider filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Another option to consider is a short sale. Either choice has its advantages, but deciding which is more beneficial for you depends on your unique...Read More
If you are struggling to make your house payments, you are probably investigating all of your debt relief options. There are several options that may be available to you, but this blog focuses on the pros and cons of foreclosure versus a deed-in-lieu of foreclosure. Some mortgage-holders offer a deed-in-lieu to their borrower as...Read More
There is finally some good news in Central Florida’s foreclosure market. The Orlando metro area showed a decline in its foreclosure inventory in July of 2014, which hopefully is an indication the housing market is slowly recovering. Central Florida Foreclosures There was a decrease of 3.6 percentage points from a year ago in the foreclosure...Read More
There was a time when homeowners had few defenses available when it came to foreclosure actions. However, times have changed and now there are numerous defenses that allow a homeowner to successfully defend a foreclosure lawsuit. Below are a few examples: Unfair mortgage terms. If a provision of your mortgage loan “shocks the conscience” of...Read More
Hopefully you have read our blog yesterday titled “Facing Foreclosure? Know Your Options.” This part of the blog will examine how filing a personal bankruptcy can affect a foreclosure action. Chapter 7 bankruptcy As soon as you file your Chapter 7 petition, the automatic stay goes into effect. The stay prohibits any further collection activity...Read More
You are probably aware that a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can provide you debt relief, but do you know when you should file your case? There is no magic trick for finding the perfect time to file your case, but there are certain instances where you should consider meeting with an attorney. When Is...Read More
Many homeowners that contact us for help with their foreclosure action do not understand how or when a deficiency judgment applies to them. If you are “underwater” on your home and considering a short sale, offering a deed in lieu of foreclosure or defending a foreclosure action, it is imperative that you understand how deficiency judgments work...Read More
The thought of losing your home can be devastating. If you are facing a foreclosure action, it is important to seek legal assistance and learn what your options are for dealing with it. One option you may want to consider is filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Many bankruptcies are filed by homeowners...Read More
If you are past due on your home loan payments, you are considered to be in default and the mortgage lender has the right to foreclose on your home. Your lender will typically send you notice of your default and the lender’s intent to accelerate the total amount due on the loan if you do...Read More