If you are struggling financially and living paycheck to paycheck, it is time to consider your debt relief options. Filing a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy can be the first step to taking control of your debt and getting your financial life back on track. The first step in making this decision is to...Read More
It is a natural reaction for parents to attempt to shield their children from dealing with financial troubles. However, if you are considering filing a personal bankruptcy case, it is wise to discuss it with your entire family, including your children. You can tailor the conversation to fit the age of your children, but it...Read More
Learn about your options when filing a Bankruptcy in Brevard County An important benefit of filing for bankruptcy protection is that the automatic stay goes into effect immediately upon the filing of your petition. The stay prevents creditors from continuing any collection efforts against you while your case is pending. Thus, all harassing telephone calls,...Read More