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Small Business
If you are the owner of a small business, your personal finances are probably closely linked with your business. Most small business owners invest a large amount of their time and money in trying to ensure their entity is successful. However, when the business faces financial struggles, it means the business owner is likely to...
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On March 27, 2020 Congress passed and the President signed into law the CARES Act and emergency stimulus package, providing financial relief to individuals and businesses effected by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.  If you are a small business owner, sole proprietor, or even if you are paid as an independent contractor, the law may provide...
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Whether an employee’s departure is voluntary or not, it poses a threat to your business’s proprietary information. This is particularly true if your employee is leaving to work for one of your competitors.  Therefore, it is important for all employers to have a procedure in place for reducing risk to any of your confidential information....
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There are a variety of different legal entities to choose from for your business. One that many partners consider is the limited partnership (LP). This type of entity is similar to a general partnership, but it provides the partners with separate and limited status. The primary benefit is that a LP can provide protection from...
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The simple answer to this question is that an effective purchase order is an essential component to any successful business. Whether you are just starting your business or you are more experienced, it is important to review your purchase order to verify it is accomplishing your goals. What is a purchase order? A purchase order...
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Most entrepreneurs dream of having overnight success. Unfortunately, this is the rare exception. If you are starting your own business, it is important to have patience when it comes to growing your business. So, what steps can you take to help ensure your new venture is a success? There is no magic formula you can...
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If you have ever tried to read a lengthy contract, you know it can be overwhelming. However, if you sign a written agreement without reading it, the law assumes that you not only read it, but that you understood it and agreed to its terms. If you are considering signing a legally binding document that...
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When you enter into a business venture with another party, it is crucial that you draft and sign a partnership agreement. Many partners enter into business together because they are friends and they don’t think a written contract between them is necessary. However, having an agreement in place can help avoid disputes as well as...
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Many people believe that a contract must be in writing to be enforceable. While it is true that certain agreements are required to be in writing to be enforceable, some oral contracts are valid. How Contracts Work Contracts involving real estate, marriage, performance over multiple years and the sale of goods over $500 are required...
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When you think of bullying, you probably think of school kids on the playground. However, bullying in the workplace occurs every day. If you are an employer, you cannot ignore it or assume it isn’t occurring because nobody has reported it. You must take action to prevent and eliminate workplace bullying. If an employer fails...
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