When you are struggling financially and being harassed by creditors, the idea of getting safe refuge in bankruptcy can be quite appealing. However, most people are afraid to take this step because they fear what will happen to their assets. A significant assets for most individuals is their retirement account. Fortunately, federal bankruptcy law provides...Read More
You might be surprised to learn that attorneys are using social media to gather evidence for lawsuits. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and numerous other websites provide a wealth of information about people. It is important to remember that what you post on social forums can be used against you by creditors and/or the trustee in your...Read More
Pursuant to 11 U.S.C. §341, whether you file a Chapter 7, 11 or 13 bankruptcy case, you are required to attend a meeting of creditors. The meeting of creditors is a time for the trustee and your creditors to ask you questions regarding your finances. It is also commonly called the “341 meeting” and it is...Read More